
簡短的委托書 中文翻譯英文



Power of Attorney

Principal: Li JunCai, Female, Date of Birth: June 9th, 1961

Address: ID number:

Attorney: Li Jun, Female, Date of Birth: Aug 21st, 1946

Address: ID number:

Chen Miao deceased on July 25th 1994.

Lin Hui, Chen’s wife, lives at xxxxxx, No.302 and No.303 HaiZhu District, GuangZhou, China (Property Ownership Certificate No. Cxxxxx, xxxxx) The couple(Chen Miao and Lin Hui) share the community legally. I am Chen Miao’s daughter and legitimate heir. I hereby authorize Li Jun to be my attorney to act in my name in any way which I myself could do, with respect to the following matters:

1. Submit application to the notary public for the notarization of succession.

2. Submit application to the Housing Authority to register, check, amend and draw the above-mentioned property right and finish other related procedures.

3. Pay all the Property Tax to Authorities and other fees, We hereby give our Attorney the authority to convey the trust.

4.We herein recognize all such civil legal acts performed and documents sign-ed by the Attorney related to the above matters.

The Power of Attorney is confirmed to be valid till the case is completed.

_______(date), 2009.


委托人:李均采 女 1961年6月9日出生

住址: 證件號碼:

受托人:李軍 女 1946年8月21日出生

住址: 證件號碼:


林惠是住在廣州市海珠區XXXXX 302,303號房屋

(房地產權證)編號: CXXXXX,CXXXXX號)的權屬人,上述產權依法是陳苗與林惠的夫妻共有產權。

我是陳苗的女兒,是陳苗的合法繼承人 現我委托李軍為我的合法代理人。


1. 向公證機關申辦繼承權公證手續

2. 向房管部門申請辦理上述房屋產權登記,查驗,更正和領取房屋產權證以及相關的一切手續

3. 向有關部征納上述房產的稅務和支付一切正常費用,受委托人對上述委托事項,有轉委托權,。

4. 受委托人在辦理上述事項過程中簽署的一切法律文件 我均予承認。此委托書有效期為辦結事項為止。

2009年 月 日




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